TA2 Race Car Rentals

Mid-Ohio and Road America TA2 Rentals

With our full-time driver having conflicts with his IMSA races, both of BCR’s TA2 Camaros are available for the Mid-Ohio and Road America Trans-Am events, June 25-27 and July 2-4 respectively.

Both cars are equally prepared and top of the line builds, capable of winning. They are not cheap “rental” cars designed to make money for us, but well- engineered and competitive Camaros, under 2 years old and constantly rebuilt.

We pride ourselves on engineering and the ability to adjust our set-ups to individual driver’s needs. Full telemetry, on-board video, and coaching all come part of the package.

Offered as an all-inclusive package, for either or both events. Interested parties please contact Blaise @ 647-283-1306 for details and pricing.

Watch a lap of Mid-Ohio with Misha Goikhberg: