TA2 Race Car Rentals

Jordan Bernloehr Video

BC Race Cars/Millers Oils #07 TA2 race car piloted by Jordan Bernloehr for his qualifying lap at Sebring International Raceway, March 4, 2016.

12439309_927775267314145_807563950610423039_nJordan Bernloehr of Lakeville MN joined the BC RACE CARS team in 2015. With a racing background in gokarts, dirtbikes, snowmobiles and Chump Cars,  Jordan’s first  road race  was with the  Trans Am series.  Finishing within the top 10 of the TA2 class, this young driver has his sights on the podium in 2016.

We are fortunate to have a young talented driver showcasing our #07 BC RACE CARS/Millers Oils  TA2 rental Camaro.

Qualifying Results:  http://gotransam.cdn.racersites.com/assets/2016%20Sebring%20TA2%20Qualifying%20FINAL.pdf